The World Famous Cavern Liverpool.
Sunday 15 June 2025
6-10pm - £2 otd
Vids Thursday 6 FABruary 2025
La Bamba
Raised and donated to our five
nominated Charites 2010-2024
Friends Of Real Lancashire
Nicko McBrain's Drum One
Note to all artists and bands appearing at Lankykats.
Lankykats is a voluntary charity fundraiser
Funds raised are donated to local charity’s.
Lankykats endeavour to provide top quality sound equipment, backline and sound engineers so as to optimise performance. The Lankykats sound crew is there to assist you with whatever help that your band may require.
To comply with the terms of Lankykats Public Liability Insurance, should your band wish to use any personal amplification, equipment etc; please notify the on duty sound engineer on your arrival, each piece of electrical equipment must carry an up to date PAT test certificate/label before authorisation for use can be given.
Each band is allocated a 45+ minutes slot, this excludes the set up and break down of equipment, with an expected performance time of approximately 40 minutes.
Lankykats is a two way relationship; ‘musicians and audience’, equally, each entrant is required to pay a donation of £1.
By accepting a booking to appear at Lankykats, your band agrees to follow procedure as directed by the Lankykats staff and give due respect to members of the Lankykats crew, patrons and bar staff. Abusive or aggressive behaviour will not be accepted under any circumstances and could jeopardise the bands future appearances at Lankykats.
We look forward to your performance and wish you an enjoyable
Lankykats experience.
Copyright 2011 Lankykats @ All Rights Reserved
Registered with UK Copyright Service No 341556